Go Beyond Your Wildest Dreams


Your child’s bright future starts with early education. Our Curriculum includes all core subjects: Math, Social Studies / History, Science, and ELAR + Writing. We also have added extracurricular activities such as Music, Spanish, Art, Outside Play and Chapel. 

We believe in a well rounded student and we give students the freedom that allows for expression and creativity. BELC strongly believes that all children are capable of learning, if they have the proper motivation and direction from their teachers.

The Sky's The Limit

Our classrooms are warm and welcoming!

Our curriculum focuses on early academics, physical activity, and social emotional learning to nurture healthy bodies, happy hearts, and growing minds. We regularly assess your child’s progress with key developmental milestones so we can build a learning plan just for them.

The Future is Bright

Early childhood is the best time to learn!

Right now, your child’s brain is growing faster than it ever will in their whole life, making amazing connections every second. That’s why every learning moment counts! Our classrooms are designed around your child’s unique needs, and our curriculum is built from the latest research in early childhood development to help little minds grow. 

Our classrooms from Infants to After Schoolers

what can we do for you?

GT Program

After Schoolers

Drop In's

Mrs. Cheryl Driver

Daycare Director

Ms. Marie Butler

Floor Director

our work inspires Future Success

The Faces Behind Our Success

Right now, your child’s brain is growing faster than it ever will in their whole life, making amazing connections every second. That’s why every learning moment counts! Our classrooms are designed around your child’s unique needs, and our curriculum is built from the latest research in early childhood development to help little minds grow. 

Contact Us Today!

Contact BELC Daycare Center today to find out more about why BLEC Daycare is the right fit for your family.